The US is modernising the W80-4 nuclear warhead for Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missiles and the W88 for Trident II ICBMs

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 01.12.2023, 15:32

The USA has decided to carry out a large-scale upgrade of its nuclear potential. This is stated in the report of the National Nuclear Security Administration for the US Congress.

Here's What We Know

The Pentagon intends to finance the production of 80 plutonium cores for nuclear warheads and create a new W87-1 warhead. It will be designed for the new-generation Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile, which will be ready at the turn of the current and next decades.

The US also plans to modernise the W80-4 nuclear warhead to equip sea-based Tomahawk cruise missiles. At the same time, the Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarines will receive upgraded W88 warheads for Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles. The W93 warhead will be developed for Columbia submarines.

In addition, the U.S. intends to continue production of the B61-12. Earlier we wrote that the B-2 Spirit strategic bomber became the first US aircraft that can use B61-12 thermonuclear aerial bombs.