NASA astronauts lost a bag of tools in outer space - it can be seen in orbit with ordinary binoculars

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 13.11.2023, 14:59
NASA astronauts lost a bag of tools in outer space - it can be seen in orbit with ordinary binoculars

The inhabitants of the Earth can see with their own eyes a new temporary "satellite" of the Earth. It is a bag of tools that NASA astronauts lost.

Here's What We Know

In November, NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O'Hara dropped a bag with tools in outer space. The incident occurred during a routine repair on the outside of the International Space Station (ISS).

The two astronauts went into outer space for 6 hours and 42 minutes to repair a solar array support. Jasmine Mogbely let go of her tool bag but did not give it much thought. She was later spotted by dispatchers. It is noted that the lost tools were not needed by the astronauts during the repair.

The bag will continue to orbit for a while before entering the atmosphere and burning up. According to calculations, the risk of collision with the ISS is small. Astronauts are not threatened. Now residents of some regions of the Earth can see the bag with ordinary binoculars.

Note that similar situations have happened in the past. For example, in 1965, Ed White in the first ever spacewalk lost a spare glove. In 2006, Piers Sellers lost his spatula. Two years later, a toolbox flew into space.

Source: Sky News