UK to spend £10.7m to build replacement for Russian infrared spectrometer in ExoMars-2022 rover

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 29.11.2023, 19:14
UK to spend £10.7m to build replacement for Russian infrared spectrometer in ExoMars-2022 rover

The UK will spend almost £11 million to build a new infrared spectrometer for the Rosalind Franklin rover. Initially it was planned to equip the rover with a Russian instrument.

Here's What We Know

The European Space Agency planned to jointly realise the ExoMars mission with the Russian company Roscosmos and send the Rosalind Franklin rover to the Red Planet. After the breakdown of relations with Russia, the parties returned each other's tools and intend to create the missing components by their own efforts.

In particular, the UK will invest £ 10.7 million to develop a replacement for the Russian infrared spectrometer. The tool, called Enfys, will be created by specialists from Aberystwyth University in Wales. They will use the experience of British engineers who have developed a panoramic camera, which will allow the rover to navigate the terrain.

Government investment in the project exceeds £375 million, the UK Department of Science, Innovation and Technology said. The rover will go to Mars no earlier than 2028.