Varda Space Industries' W-1 capsule captures exclusive footage of its reentry into the Earth's atmosphere

By: Nastya Bobkova | 03.03.2024, 01:53
Varda Space Industries' W-1 capsule captures exclusive footage of its reentry into the Earth's atmosphere

The W-1 space capsule from Varda Space Industries has successfully completed its historic mission and returned to Earth from low orbit.

Here's What We Know

The first-person video footage captured every stage of the return journey, from the moment of separation from the launch vehicle in orbit to its reentry and landing on the surface. Landing at the Utah Proving Grounds on 21 February, the mission was the first commercial landing of a space capsule in the United States.

The W-1 capsule was attached to the Rocket Lab Photon satellite "bus", which provided the necessary power, communications and altitude control. After successful delivery to orbit, the Photon burned up during re-entry, and the W-1 capsule continued its mission and returned to Earth with ritonavir crystals that had been grown in orbit. These crystals will be analysed by the pharmaceutical company Improved Pharma with the aim of developing new medicines.

Source: Engadget, Ars Technica