Poland unveiled the US HIMARS missile system on a domestic Jelcz 663.45 T60 TS 6×6 wheeled chassis

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 05.09.2023, 22:26
Poland unveiled the US HIMARS missile system on a domestic Jelcz 663.45 T60 TS 6×6 wheeled chassis

Polish company Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa SA has unveiled the US M142 HIMARS high-mobility artillery rocket system on a new chassis. The demonstration took place at the MSPO-2023 exhibition.

Here's What We Know

The launcher is mounted on a Polish-made Jelcz 663.45 T60 TS 6×6 truck. A prototype of the M142 HIMARS missile system was demonstrated at the MSPO-2023 exhibition.

The prototype was developed as part of a programme of the Polish Armaments Agency in cooperation with PGZ-WWR. It is possible that in the future HIMARS production will be localised in a European country.

This year, Lockheed Martin began supplying Poland with M142 HIMARS missile systems under a $655 million contract, which was signed in 2019. Along with HIMARS, Poland will receive GMLRS projectiles and ATACMS ballistic missiles.

In late winter 2023, the US State Department approved the $10bn agreement. Under the new contract, Poland will receive 18 HIMARS launchers, as well as approximately 1,500 ER GMLRS, GMLRS projectiles and ATACMS missiles.

Source: Militar