Patriot SAMs cover: Poland plans to buy Pilica+ anti-aircraft artillery systems with CAMM missiles, they will be able to hit targets at a distance of more than 25 km

By: Myroslav Trinko | 05.09.2022, 14:21
Patriot SAMs cover: Poland plans to buy Pilica+ anti-aircraft artillery systems with CAMM missiles, they will be able to hit targets at a distance of more than 25 km

The Polish Armed Forces want to buy updated artillery-missile anti-aircraft systems Pilica+.

Here’s What We Know

This is reported by the Polish publication Defence24. Supposedly, the contract is for 1 billion zlotys or 210 million dollars. It should be signed already this month. Under the contract Poland will buy 21 Pilica+ batteries with 700 CAMM missiles produced by the MBDA company.

Pilica on a Jelcz 442.32 transport truck

The conventional Pilica is capable of engaging targets at ranges up to 6.5 km, but the upgraded version will be able to do so at ranges over 25 km. The new system will target cruise missiles (including supersonic), aircraft, helicopters and UAVs. The main task of the Pilica+ artillery and missile system will be to provide cover for the Patriot surface-to-air missile system.

Source: Defence24

Images: Wikipedia

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