Come Back Alive and OKKO raise $10.8m to buy 600 grenade launchers, machine guns and mortars for Ukraine's Territorial Defence Forces

The charitable foundation Come Back Alive and OKKO have launched the second phase of their joint project EYE FOR EYE. They are now raising funds for the purchase of grenade launchers, machine guns and mortars for the Territorial Defence Force.
Here's What We Know
The aim of the project is to cover the Territorial Defence Force's need for infantry weapons. The charity is raising ₴400 million ($10.8 million) to buy 100 40mm grenade launchers, 200 12.7mm machine guns and 300 82mm mortars. The range of fire is 2.2km, 3.5km and 4.1km, respectively.

Mortars, large-calibre machine guns and automatic grenade launchers are the main collective infantry weapons with which the Territorial Defence Forces of Ukraine deter the enemy along the entire front line. The weapons will be tested by experts from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence.
You can help collect the necessary sum of money in two ways: transfer it directly to the accounts of the charity fund (here or here) or buy PULLS 95 / PULLS Diesel at OKKO petrol stations.

The company will donate ₴1 ($0.027) per litre of fuel. On this basis, OKKO and Come Back Alive were able to raise ₴325 million ($8.8 million) to buy 25 Shark unmanned aerial systems and 25 additional drones.
Source: OKKO