Ukrainian drones destroy three Tor-M2 surface-to-air missile systems worth $75m, one Buk-M1, two tanks and three Nona howitzers

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 03.06.2023, 13:51
Ukrainian drones destroy three Tor-M2 surface-to-air missile systems worth $75m, one Buk-M1, two tanks and three Nona howitzers

The Ukrainian Defence Forces have destroyed almost 100 pieces of Russian military equipment. In particular, kamikaze drones hit four anti-aircraft missile systems at once.

Here's What We Know

The Security Service of Ukraine has published video of the combat work of the drones. The drones eliminated two tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, an electronic warfare station and three Nona self-propelled artillery units.

However, the main trophies were antiaircraft missile systems. The drones managed to hit one Buk-M1 and three Tor-M2 SAMs at once. The video shows a drone dodging a missile fired at it, then catching up with and destroying the target. The cost of one anti-aircraft missile system is $25 million.

The list of destroyed targets does not end there. The Security Service statement says that together with the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it managed to eliminate an additional 84 pieces of enemy equipment, including seven tanks, six Grad multiple rocket launchers, six self-propelled howitzers, 11 cannons and 21 armoured vehicles.

Source: @ServiceSsu