Ukrainian Air Force destroys 40 strategic cruise missiles Kh-101 and Kh-555 with a launch range of up to 5,500km

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 24.06.2023, 11:45
Ukrainian Air Force destroys 40 strategic cruise missiles Kh-101 and Kh-555 with a launch range of up to 5,500km

Despite Russia's looming military coup, it has not forgotten to launch a missile attack on Ukraine. And it was the most powerful in months.

Here's What We Know

The Russian Federation has deployed ships as well as Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3 bombers. Ten strategic aviation aircraft launched 40 Kh-101 and Kh-555 cruise missiles. Eight long-range bombers launched nine Kh-22 missiles.

Unfortunately, the Ukrainian Air Force was not able to shoot down a single Kh-22 missile. This is due to the fact that they were launched at targets that are not protected by the MIM-104 Patriot air defence system. Other anti-aircraft missile systems are not capable of shooting down the Kh-22.

However, the Air Force shot down all 40 strategic missiles Kh-101, Kh-555 and one of the two Kalibr cruise missiles. Two of the two Shahed-131/136 kamikaze drones were also destroyed

Source: @kpszsu