Dozens of Chinese J-11, Su-30 fighter jets and H-6 nuclear bombers simulated strikes against Taiwan

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 09.04.2023, 18:01
Dozens of Chinese J-11, Su-30 fighter jets and H-6 nuclear bombers simulated strikes against Taiwan

The Chinese military simulated strikes on Taiwan. This happened today, 9 April, during an exercise being held around the island.

Here's What We Know

Taiwan's Ministry of Defence has reported numerous sorties by the Air Force. The island nation's defence officials also noted that the air defence forces were monitoring the PRC's missile forces.

The exercise started on April 8 and will last for a total of three days. The event comes amid the return of Taiwan's president from the US, where Tsai Ing-wen was on a short visit.

The Taiwanese military said 11 navy ships and 70 planes of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force were detected around the island on the morning of April 9. Among them were Su-30 and J-11 fighters along with H-6 nuclear-powered bombers. Half of them crossed the middle line in the Taiwan Strait.

A source familiar with the security situation in the region said that the Chinese army has carried out simulated air and sea attacks not only on the island but also on foreign military installations. Exactly what targets are in question is not specified. The American aircraft carrier USS Nimitz is now off the coast of Taiwan.

Source: Reuters