The US Air Force could give the AMG-183A ARRW hypersonic missile a second chance in the event of a successful test in 2023

The Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) programme, which is developing the AGM-183A hypersonic missile, could get a second chance. There is a possibility that the US Air Force will not shut down the project.
Here's What We Know
In March 2023, the US Air Force conducted a second test of the AGM-183A ARRW using a B-52H Stratofortress nuclear bomber. The test ended in failure, after which the service abandoned the procurement and began contemplating shutting down the programme.

Speaking to the House Armed Services Committee last week, US Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said the ARRW project has a chance to survive. A decision on the future of the programme will be taken by US officials only after a comprehensive test of the hypersonic air-to-ground missile.
According to the minister, the US Air Force has not stopped the ARRW. Kendall said the service had the means to carry out the tests. A total of three tests have been scheduled for 2023. This means that by the end of the year, the US Air Force intends to conduct two more tests of fully operational AGM-183A ARRW prototypes.
In addition, during his remarks, Frank Kendall again recalled the second hypersonic weapon development programme, the Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile (HACM). According to him, HACM offers "the greatest potential at the moment".

In early spring, the draft budget for fiscal year 2024 was released. The document indicates that the US Air Force is requesting $384 million to continue development of the HACM, with nearly $2 billion in funding over five years.
Source: Breaking Defense