Naval Group tested the launch and control of a drone from the French Navy's Rubis-class nuclear submarine

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 26.07.2023, 16:56
Naval Group tested the launch and control of a drone from the French Navy's Rubis-class nuclear submarine

Naval Group is developing a project that aims to deploy an unmanned aerial vehicle from a submarine and put it in control. In May 2023, a final test took place off Toulon, called "UAV on submarine" ("UAV on submarine").

Here's What We Know

During the test, the UAV was launched from a nuclear-powered submarine of the French Navy. The Rubis class submarine took part in the test. The drone was developed by Naval Group.

The drone was launched in a protective cocoon. After reaching the surface, the protective shell opened and the drone continued its flight. After that, the submarine established communication with it using an antenna, and the operator was able to receive a video stream to the control panel.

The use of the drone will allow the submarine to more effectively conduct surveillance, reconnaissance and reconnaissance missions in the visible and infrared ranges. This was announced by the French Ministry of Defence.

Source: Naval News