Canada may transfer CRV7 unguided aerial missiles to Ukraine

By: Myroslav Trinko | 05.02.2024, 10:57
Canada may transfer CRV7 unguided aerial missiles to Ukraine

The Canadian Defence Ministry is considering supplying Ukraine with CRV7 missiles.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by CBC News. Canada has more than 80,000 such missiles. They were taken out of service in the 2000s and were planned to be scrapped. Canada is now testing the missiles and checking whether they can be safely transferred to the AFU.


The CRV7 (Canadian Rocket Vehicle 7) is a Canadian aircraft missile designed to attack ground targets. Due to its flexibility, it can be mounted on helicopters and aeroplanes, providing high accuracy when fired from long range. The missile was manufactured by Bristol Aerospace. The CRV7 is capable of carrying a variety of munitions, including high-explosive and anti-aircraft munitions.

Source: CBC News