Bethesda's vice-president is confident that the failed vampire shooter Redfall has a bright future. The developers are fixing bugs and hope that gamers will appreciate their efforts

By: Anton Kratiuk | 02.09.2023, 22:20
Bethesda's vice-president is confident that the failed vampire shooter Redfall has a bright future. The developers are fixing bugs and hope that gamers will appreciate their efforts

Vampire shooter Redfall was released in May 2023 and was arguably one of the biggest failures of publisher Bethesda, Arkane Studios, and Microsoft's gaming division in general.

The game received low marks from critics and gamers, and even entered Steam's Hall of Shame.

Here's What We Know

In a recent interview about Starfield, Bethesda VP Pete Hines mentioned the Redfall situation as well.

He said that the Arkane team, with the support of other Bethesda divisions, is working on improvements to the vampire shooter. First of all, their efforts are aimed at fixing the technical state of the game.

Pete Hines reminded that in the history of Bethesda there have already been similar embarrassments, for example, with the PC-version of The Elder Scrolls Online. And the release of Fallout 76 was an even bigger failure, but the developers didn't give up and at the moment both games are significantly improved and enjoy great popularity.

Pete Hines is sure that even in ten years Redfall will be an actual game that arouses the interest of the public.

It should be noted that Pete Hines' statements look overly optimistic, but it is commendable that the developer does not put his hands down and tries to correct his own mistakes.
