The fantasy tactical game King Arthur: Knight's Tale will be released on consoles. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series users will be able to get acquainted with the dark history of the legendary ruler in early 2024
By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.11.2023, 19:59

NeocoreGames studio revealed the release date of fantasy tactical game King Arthur: Knight's Tale on consoles.
Here's What We Know
The game will be available to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series users on 22 February 2024.
Players will be offered a mode with increased performance or with a priority on the quality of graphics.
In addition, there will be support for achievements on Xbox and trophies on PlayStation, as well as local online mode and tactile feedback gamepad DualSense.
The developers plan to develop the console versions over time, adding new content and seasonal events to the game.
King Arthur: Knight's Tale released in early access on PC in 2021 and was warmly received by the public. A full release of the game took place in 2022.
Source: NeocoreGames