«Умные» часы Alcatel OneTouch Watch с почти круглым экраном и поддержкой Android и iOS

На CES 2015 с «умными» часами не отличился только ленивый. Alcatel OneTouch Watch — еще один вариант для тех, кто решил обзавестись подобной игрушкой. Гаджет получился довольно привлекательный по внешнему виду, часы круглые, как и сенсорный экран (почти). Как и в MOTO360 в нижней части есть неактивная полоска, производитель указывает (по всей видимости) общий диаметр, без учета этой самой полоски и он составляет 1.22 дюйма, отображается 262 тыс цветов. Корпус часов защищен по стандарту IP67.
В качестве процессора используется STMicroelectronics STM429, набор датчиков: гироскоп, акселерометр, альтиметр, датчик сердечного ритма и электронный компас. Часы поддерживают работу с уведомлениями о звонках, сообщениях SMS и соц. сетей, e-mail и управлять музыкальным плеером плюс набор фитнес-функций: подсчета шагов, пройденного расстояния, сожженных калорий и так далее.

Из беспроводных интерфейсов присутствуют Bluetooth 4.0 и NFC. Емкость аккумулятора — 210 мАч, компания указывает весьма расплывчатые 2-5 дней работы. Время зарядки — 1 час. Что интересно, работают часы как с Android начиная с версии 4.3, так и с iOS 7, используется проприетарная ОС. Цена составит 150 евро (3000 грн / 10300 руб).
Источник: Alcatel OneTouch
HONG KONG, Jan. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- It looks like a watch and feels like a watch but it's much smarter than that. ALCATEL ONETOUCH introduces the WATCH, a smartwatch that puts a premium on elegant design at a very accessible price. In launching the WATCH, ALCATEL ONETOUCH is not content just to make the latest connected technology available to the greatest number of consumers. Offering the WATCH at a fraction of the cost of competitors, the smartphone brand has implemented its design expertise to offer a series of fine finishes that meet the demands of those looking for the same look and feel as a traditional watch.
"It's called a wearable, so we wanted to make something that would be a pleasure to wear," said ALCATEL ONETOUCH's Chief Marketing Officer Dan Dery. "The watch face and the band are slim, like a regular watch, but it has the multi-functionality of a smartwatch."
Available in several styles -- sporty dark red/volcano black, feminine all-white, classic chrome/dark gray and elegant metal-white -- the ALCATEL ONETOUCH WATCH employs materials such as brushed chrome, micro-textured resin bands and white stainless steel. This choice of finishes assures that it will appeal to both men and women, demonstrating ALCATEL ONETOUCH's dedication to bringing to the market products that fulfill everyone's needs.
While offering choice and style, the WATCH also offers multiple fitness functions and connects to Android and iOS smartphones via Bluetooth.
Monitors User Activity
The WATCH is packed with sensors: the heart-rate monitor is embedded discretely on the underside of the watch face; there's also an accelerometer, gyroscope, altimeter and e-compass.
The WATCH also allows users to track their sleep cycle, distance covered, steps taken and calories burned. To monitor their fitness goals, users can access the activity overview that the WATCH offers.
Multimedia Remote Control and Phone Notifications
When the smartwatch is connected to a smartphone, it sends users call notifications; social media updates and vibrates if users stray too far from their phones.
Touching the WATCH's screen activates a multimedia remote control. Users can control music, take pictures from their phone from a distance or make their phone ring in order to locate it.
Simplicity of Use Is Built In
The WATCH is compatible with a number of ALCATEL ONETOUCH smartphones in the HERO, IDOL and POP series, as well as with any phone running on Android 4.3 or above and on iOS 7 or above. It is dust and water-resistant, with a long battery life.
Speaking of the battery, the WATCH has a clever USB charger integrated into its band for simplicity of use. With beauty and functionality integrated into one device, ALCATEL ONETOUCH offers a smartwatch at a smart price, fulfilling its mission of making the latest technology available to all.