The Russian "daughter" of Google is going to declare itself bankrupt

By: Elena Shcherban | 18.05.2022, 16:50
The Russian "daughter" of Google is going to declare itself bankrupt

The Russian "daughter" of Google - "Google LLC" - began the process of bankruptcy. Relevant notification the company posted on the federal resource.


The statement says that from March 22, the company “foresees its own bankruptcy and the impossibility of fulfilling monetary obligations, claims for the payment of severance pay and (or) wages of persons working or working under an employment contract, and (or) the obligation to pay mandatory payments in fixed time".

The next step for Google LLC will be to apply to the arbitration court with an application for recognition of its own bankruptcy.

The reason for this was the arrest of the bank account. So, at the end of last year, a Russian court imposed a fine on Google in the amount of more than 7.2 billion rubles for not removing prohibited content. As a result, the amount of the turnover fine against Google increased by more than 500 million rubles due to the assigned performance fee.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that Google will stop working in Russia. The company says that they will continue to provide the opportunity to use free services for Russian users. We are talking about the search engine, YouTube, Gmail, maps, etc.

At the same time, Google recalled that it had suspended the vast majority of commercial operations in Russia.

For those who want to know more: