The Russian Ka-52 helicopter with missile protection lost to the Ukrainian Christmas tree, which damaged its defense complex and launch block

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 15.06.2022, 19:10
The Russian Ka-52 helicopter with missile protection lost to the Ukrainian Christmas tree, which damaged its defense complex and launch block

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the help of an air defense system, force Russian pilots to fly at low altitudes, where Ukrainian trees already come into play.

What is known

Rotorcraft Ka-52 could not miss the Christmas tree, because of which the launch block and the onboard defense complex were damaged. This is a fairly common incident when aircraft fly at dangerously low altitudes.

Flying not over a cuckoo's nest, but over an ordinary Christmas tree, the helicopter damaged the B-8V20A block and the L-370V52 Vitebsk defense complex. The launch block is used to launch 80 mm unguided rockets, while the complex provides protection against anti-aircraft missiles. To do this, it has infrared and / or radar guidance heads.

Blocks L-370V52 "Vitebsk" are marked on the photo

The manufacturer claims that the L-370V52 "Vitebsk" is able to track launches and steer missiles away from a helicopter (or aircraft). It consists of blocks that are installed inside the fuselage and outside on the body of the aircraft.

Source: Military

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