HYENAS - a multiplayer shooter from the authors of Alien: Isolation about hunting by reference

Remember how for several years time and time again there was information that the team Alien: Isolation in the middle Creative Assembly is engaged in a multiplayer shooter? Well, meet the official announcement - HYENAS, PvPvE first-person action about low gravity and hunting for symbols of pop culture.
In the game world, billionaires have finally landed on Mars and left Earth. At the same time, there was a catastrophe: the technology of zero gravity, which was the basis of the space travel of the rich, tore the Earth to pieces. Now the survivors live on the drifting wreckage of the planet.
Although, the rich are not interested in this at all - they greedily collect rare merchandise from the ruins of the Earth to decorate their Martian estates.
Hyenas are our characters. They land on spaceships, which are essentially cents for billionaires with the same merchandise. The shops are strictly guarded: there are hired thugs, alarms, and armed drones. Hyen's goal is to steal as much "merch" as possible and dump it whole. The problem is that the group of tramps in the mall is usually not alone - the authors mention up to five teams in the match.
According to the developers, each shopping center is a kind of sandbox where you can come up with creative solutions to problems. If it comes to an open collision, the fighting is rapid and involves zones with zero gravity.
All Hyenas are characters with unique features and character. Some bet on guns, and some on the manipulation of the environment. For example, one of the characters has a plaster cannon, similar to the analogue of Prey 2017 - it can create bridges and shelters or immobilize enemies

Apparently, the merchandise in HYENAS will intersect with reality: for example, the trailer already has a keychain with Sonic. the screenshots show a monkey with Super Monkey Ball, the player on the thigh of one of the characters is a cassette Walkman from Sonyand somewhere on the walls hangs a poster of an indie game Viscera Cleanup Detail.
The distribution model has not been fully determined, but so far the developers are leaning towards a paid system, not a fritupley. Although, the release is not soon, so changes are not excluded.
Launching HYENAS will take place in 2023. Platforms - PC,, Xbox and PlayStation. Cosplay is planned. On the official website you can take the alpha test for computers.