Chinese Army Conducts Exercise with Armed Robots, Reconnaissance Balloons and Exoskeletons

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 07.09.2022, 13:38
Chinese Army Conducts Exercise with Armed Robots, Reconnaissance Balloons and Exoskeletons

The People's Liberation Army of China has shown a short video of military exercises that use futuristic technology.

Here's What We Know

In the footage, a member of the Chinese army is seen fixing a device on a wall. It works in tandem with a reconnaissance balloon, which appears later in the video. The balloon unfolds and turns into a compact vehicle that allows soldiers to explore from a distance.

Also taking part in the exercise is a robotic dog equipped with a machine gun. The beginning of the video shows it being brought down to the ground by a small unmanned aerial vehicle. It is the Chinese equivalent of Boston Dynamics' American robot Spot. The dog is called Striker. The robot is followed by a soldier with an exoskeleton, which probably allows him to lift a lot of weight.

Overall, the military exercise video looks spectacular. However, it is unclear how effective it will be in real combat situations. For example, the robotic dog's servos create noise that will make it impossible for the device to get close to the enemy undetected.

Source: The Sun

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