Scandinavian diversity: Tom Henderson named 11 factions that will be in God of War Ragnarok. Among them are elves, gods, giants and beasts

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 04.10.2022, 16:02
Scandinavian diversity: Tom Henderson named 11 factions that will be in God of War Ragnarok. Among them are elves, gods, giants and beasts

Famous game journalist Tom Henderson announced that God of War Ragnarok will have 11 separate factions in the Nine Realms of Scandinavia. These factions consist of monsters, giants, gods, beasts and humans.

Here's What We Know

11 Factions That Should Be In The Game:

  • Aesir - described as the Gods who rule the Nine Worlds.
  • Beasts - described as animals that roam the worlds as predators or prey.
  • Dwarves are described as masters of forging legendary weapons and armor.
  • Elves - described as two factions of Light and Darkness, fighting for control over the Light of Alfheim.
  • Ethereals - described as ghosts and spirits that wander between the Nine Worlds.
  • Humans - described as garbage disposers.
  • Jotnar - described as the last giants who hide to pass on their knowledge after the genocide at the hands of Odin.
  • Monsters - described as creatures of Norse myth.
  • Nelwalkers - described as reanimated corpses from the soul-filled Helheim (
  • Helheim), who are cursed to walk the Nine Worlds.
  • Seidr - described as people corrupted by seior magic.
  • Vanir are described as gods who fought against Aesir and lost.

You can see that some of the factions were already in God of War 2018, and someone will visit the franchise for the first time.


Yesterday Tom Henderson announced that the total duration of God of War Ragnarok is about 40 hours.

When We Can Expect It

God of War Ragnarok will be released on November 9, 2022 on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Source: insider