Panic will hold a presentation next week to showcase new games for the Playdate narrative

Panic, the company behind the adorable PlayDate handheld, will be hosting an event next week to share upcoming games and a showcase of the device. The Playdate Update event will last 13 minutes and will take place on 7 March at 12:00 EEC. The company says it will focus on some of the new games coming soon to the handheld, as well as the "Catalogue", which will contain upcoming titles.
Playdate was launched in April last year and has sold over 25,000 units since then. At launch, the device came bundled with a season of games from well-known developers such as Zach Gage and Keita Takahashi, but Playdate owners could also download games released through platforms such as
We will probably hear more about the catalogue release time next week.
Source: The Verge