VSU showed how Valve Steam Deck is used to control a Shabla combat module (video)

By: Myroslav Trinko | 02.05.2023, 09:49
VSU showed how Valve Steam Deck is used to control a Shabla combat module (video)

The press service of the AFU Territorial Defence Service has published a video on Facebook showing the operation of the new Shablia combat module.

Here's What We've Seen

The combat module is designed for remote battle vision. It can be fitted with either antipersonnel or antitank weapons, and has a box for 250, 350, or 600 rounds. The operator controls the module via Wi-Fi or a cable. The control console is the Valve Steam Deck. A camera and monitor are used to operate the module.

According to the manufacturer, the Shabla can fight from 500 meters away from the operator. The combat module can be mounted on the ground, moving objects or special vehicles. The module is capable of engaging ground and low-flying targets.

Source: TPO Media