The Guardian: US and Australia preparing a joint military aid package for Ukraine that could include Hawkei armoured vehicles

By: Myroslav Trinko | 05.05.2023, 10:55
The Guardian: US and Australia preparing a joint military aid package for Ukraine that could include Hawkei armoured vehicles

The United States and Australia are preparing a joint military assistance package for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the British newspaper The Guardian. The aid package may be announced as early as this month. What exactly the allies will transfer is unknown. But the other day Kyiv shared a wish list with the partners, which includes ammunition, artillery, also Hawkei armoured vehicles.


The Hawkei is an Australian four-wheel drive armoured vehicle. It was developed in 2010 for the Australian Defence Force. Hawkei was the replacement for the Land Rover Perentie. It weighs 7-10 tons and boasts advanced systems. The vehicle can be used as a fighting platform. Hawkei has a maximum speed of 130 km/h. The vehicle comes in different versions.

Source: The Guardian