There will not be any "Justice League" DVD with Zack Snyder's version. The disk will be released all the same bad movie.

It's silly to argue with the fact that the "Justice League" - this is a bad movie. Therefore, fans of the franchise how could If a movie were to be produced, if would not there were no transfers from " Godly " by Joss Widon and he did finish would be the " genius " Zack Snyder. Fans of DC before the latter hoped that somewhere in the The depths of Warner Bros lies the most Zak film with a completely different film. But she's not there.
On Blu-ray .com forum has detailed information on disk edition of the film. Judging by the description and timing it will be exactly the one same film that was shown in cinema. The only supplement Is a 2-minute scene about Superman death, which is not has a particular impact on plot. For comparison, the director's version of " Batman vs. Superman " was almost 30 is longer than the original and although would explain why the movie needs a branch about the Superman conflict in Africa and why Batman behaves like a fool, and not greatest in world detective.
But in bundle will be a disk with bonus materials about filming the movie. There Aquaman ridiculously throws a trident, and all members of the crew as if in advance justified for the rape of the comic book loved by everyone .
Source: CBR