Battlefield 2042 has recorded a record-breaking peak online. Steam users once again paid attention to the criticised shooter

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.10.2023, 14:24
Battlefield 2042 has recorded a record-breaking peak online. Steam users once again paid attention to the criticised shooter

We've already reported that the launch of Dark Creations' sixth season and a free week of access to Battlefield 2042 led to a surge of interest in the criticised and unpopular shooter.

Now, Battlefield 2042's online peak on Steam has also reached a record high.

Here's What We Know

According to SteamDB service, over the past day the number of simultaneous players exceeded 107 thousand people. Such an online Battlefield 2042 has not been for more than two years of the shooter's existence.

Battlefield 2042 has recorded a record-breaking peak online. Steam users once again paid attention to the criticised shooter-2

We sincerely hope that DICE studio and Electronic Arts will do their best not to lose the attention of gamers and regain their interest and trust after the initial failure of Battlefield 2042.

Source: SteamDB