Sony has released an improved Sophy 2.0 AI racer for Gran Turismo 7

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 02.11.2023, 21:28
Sony has released an improved Sophy 2.0 AI racer for Gran Turismo 7

Sony has unveiled an updated version of the GT Sophy 2.0 artificial intelligence for the Gran Turismo 7 racing game.

Here's What We Know

The Sophy system was first announced in February 2022. Even then, the AI confidently defeated professional players in Gran Turismo.

According to representatives of Sony, the task of GT Sophy - not just to surpass the human, but to become a stimulating opponent, capable of raising the skill and creativity of players to a new level. The technology could also find applications in autonomous driving and robotics, the company said.

In February 2023, the AI competed against a limited number of Gran Turismo 7 players in a public beta. Back then, the AI could drive one of four cars.

Now, the number of cars for Sophy has grown to 340 across nine tracks - 95 per cent of the total number in the game. The AI chooses the car itself depending on the player's transport.

Gamers will be able to challenge Sophy in the fast race mode (formerly "Arcade") regardless of their progress in the game and driving skills.

GT Sophy 2.0 was released on 2 November as part of the Spec II Update package for PlayStation 5.

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Source: Engadget