#DeleteFacebook: after the scandal with the leakage of data investors are suing against Facebook, and users are being massively deleted

Scandal with leakage of data from Facebook is gaining momentum. After network information on sink from Facebook data 50 million users, the company's investors went into court, US authorities and A number of European countries investigation, and at network is rampant hashtag # remove the file.
What happened
Of Facebook merged data of about 50 million people. AT 2013, Professor of Cambridge University Alexander Kogan created another test application in spirit of " find out, you pretzel or gingerbread. " AND for its passage it was necessary to open access to data of your page. However, the application acted more cunningly and casually asked at the same time to open access to Account data that is in friends with the user. AT The test was passed 270 thousand people, but Kogan collected personal data 50 million users.
Well merged, and what?
A what in early 2015, Kogan sold the data to Cambridge Analytica, which deals with political consulting. Having on so much private information, the company was able to influence the political elections the whole world. A This is a profit, profit and once again profit. By Data from Cambridge Analytica's Channel 4 ears stick out from 200 election campaigns for the whole world - in Nigeria, Kenya, the Czech Republic, India, Argentina, etc.
Why blame Facebook?
Experts are sure that the company does not could not notice such a massive collection of data. Facebook does not permits use in commercial purposes data collected by the application. This, in in general , her bread. But they are not rechecked the application. Or no wanted. Or just turn a blind eye to leakage. The Cambridge Analytica account was banned only by last week, when the press got a stir.
What is happening now?
After that, and the hashtag #deletefacebook, launched by Twitter users, appeared a sign of protest against the social network policy, and on the profile portals like The Verge began to appear articles "how to delete Facebook." The campaign was supported even by Brian Acton, one of the the creators of WhatsApp, who worked for several years on Facebook. Meanwhile Facebook investors have already filed a bunch of lawsuits against the company, and behind The investigation was undertaken by the US authorities and a number of European countries.
What will happen with Facebook
Data on number of deleted accounts and The company lost money open access, but can not to doubt that the figures are serious. Mark Zuckerberg remained silent for a day, and then issued a post in style " we are sorry " (see The series of the South Park about the captain is obvious and Cthulhu). Says, wrong, guilty, check all suspicious accounts. A patches in code so that such leaks do not repeated, were made a couple of years ago.
Given that Facebook for The last year was a great deal of trouble (scandals with advertising, presidential elections and illegal use of personal information) and has lost more than $ 50 since the beginning of the year billion capitalization, confidence in sotsseti fell on record low level. According to a recent survey of Honest Data , most Americans in terms of harm equate social network to cigarettes and fast food.