Marvel's Wolverine could be released as early as 2024: important information found in the game's concept artist profile

Insomniac Games Studios has announced two games for 2021: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and Marvel's Wolverine.
The first game was released in October and received the highest reviews from critics and gamers, but there is almost nothing officially known about the second project. For two years, the developers have not presented a single trailer, except for the announcing one.
However, attentive users managed to get important information from the profile of concept artist Hung Nguy on ArtStation.
Here's What We Know
The artist indicated that Marvel's Wolverine will be released in 2024!

It's impossible to confirm or deny this information yet, but previously and authoritative journalist Jeff Grubb claimed that the game will be released shortly after Marvel's Spider-Man 2, but he noted that the chance of the game being delayed to 2025 is quite high.
Grubb also shared that Marvel's Wolverine will be a fairly violent game aimed at an adult audience, it will receive an adult rating of M (17+) due to the abundance of violence, dismemberment and blood.
There will be no open world in this Insomniac Games project, instead Marvel's Wolverine will be divided into spacious semi-open locations, similar to modern God of War parts, and the combat system will remind Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.
Source: Twisted Voxel