Rocket on the tail brought: Bethesda announced the trailer Rage 2

The second May week in 2018 became a harvest for plums of information about the upcoming games. Especially noted Bethesda with Rage 2. First, Walmart merged Borderlands 3, Just Cause 4 and the new Splinter Cell for the month before E3 2018 project on the page with new games, which caused a wave of discussion. Then the Bethesda account began to misunderstand the project.
It's not spontaneous
In the teaser there were figures 5 and 14, which the public accepted as the date of the announcement. Gamers were right, and on Sunday, May 13, the official Rage account on Twitter announced a trailer for Monday May 14. Bethesda did it in a noteworthy way, having published such "tweet": "C: \ Desktop \ Videos \ AnnounceTrailer \ Monday".
C: \ Desktop \ Videos \ AnnounceTrailer \ Monday
- RAGE (@RAGEgame) May 13, 2018
Previously, the announcement of Rage 2 was waiting for E3 2018, but Bethesda has other plans. Perhaps, the exhibition will show the first gameplay footage of the "angry sequel." Vice President of Marketing Pete Hines said that at E3 2018 Bethesda will hold its longest conference.