Sanctuary is troubled again: a major Season of the Construct update has been released for Diablo IV

Today Diablo IV launched its third season, which is called Season of the Construct.
Here's What We Know
Blizzard has prepared for players a lot of innovations and improvements.
So, the heroes of Sanctuary will have to go to the deserts of Kehjistan to penetrate into the dangerous dungeons, vaults, full of traps and powerful monsters. The main task is to prevent the demon Malphas from realising his insidious plans.
As one of the innovations developers will offer a spider-like robot-helper Seneschal (Seneschal Companion). In addition, the developers tweaked the balance of the game, added new items, gave PC-gamers the ability to control the character using the keys W, A, S, D and made other changes.
The size of the update was 5.5 GB.
The main innovations are shown in a special Season of the Construct trailer:
Source: Diablo