Samsung may introduce fees for AI features in Galaxy in two years' time

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 31.01.2024, 20:50
Samsung may introduce fees for AI features in Galaxy in two years' time

Samsung has confirmed that it is considering introducing fees for some artificial intelligence features in its Galaxy line of smartphones. For now, owners of the new Galaxy S24 are guaranteed free access to AI until the end of 2025.

Here's What We Know

Samsung's mobile division president T.M. Roh said that the company does not yet have specific plans beyond 2025. However, the company sees different user needs for mobile AI.

Some of them will be able to cover basic free features, Roh said. If the user wants other "even more powerful features," it will be possible to pay for them.

-"So, in future decision-making, we will take all these factors into consideration" the Samsung president said.

Thus, Samsung may offer advanced paid AI features to owners of the Galaxy S26 and newer. However, the current free features could also be behind a paid subscription.

Samsung won't be the only company promoting paid subscriptions of advanced AI features. This model is already being used by companies like OpenAI with its ChatGPT Plus service and Microsoft with its Copilot Pro subscription.

Source: Gizmodo