Google admits Gemini image generator is not working correctly

By: Vlad Cherevko | 23.02.2024, 14:24
Google admits Gemini image generator is not working correctly

This week's news concerning Google is not exactly going in Google's favour. This is due to criticism of their chatbot Gemini. As it turned out, it wasn't quite correctly generating images of people, such as historical figures, resulting in the resulting images being ethnically diverse. And Google has made a statement to that effect.

Here's What We Know

Google has been heavily criticised because of the Gemini chatbot, which generates ethnically diverse images even when it doesn't make sense. This has led to social media users calling Gemini "absurdly stupid" and media outlets such as the New York Post bombarding Google and its artificial intelligence assistant with criticism. For those who don't know, Gemini is Google's artificial intelligence-based chatbot, which was previously known as Bard. The company created it to compete with ChatGPT. The company recently expanded the bot's capabilities by adding an image generator.

Criticism of Gemini began to emerge after the image generator produced factually historically inaccurate images, including a woman as the Pope, black-clad Vikings, female NHL players and "diverse" versions of America's founding fathers.

Google acknowledged its mistake in a statement posted on Twitter on Wednesday. The company said it was working to immediately improve these kinds of images. It added that Gemini's AI-generated images generate a wide range of ethnically diverse people and that's generally a good thing because it's used by people all over the world. But here it misses the target.

Google has previously said that their AI tools are experimental and prone to "hallucinations" in which they can show fake or inaccurate information in response to puser prompts.

Source: NewYorkPost