Shawn Levy comments on Taylor Swift's rumoured cameo in Deadpool 3: "Intrigue is fun"

By: Tetiana Honcharenko | 13.04.2024, 13:22
Shawn Levy comments on Taylor Swift's rumoured cameo in Deadpool 3: "Intrigue is fun"

The rumours about the Deadpool & Wolverin movie are unreal and we've already lost count. One of the latest was a rumour about the possible cameo appearance of pop star Taylor Swift in the film. Despite the singer not appearing in the first Deadpool & Wolverine trailer, that hasn't stopped fans from speculating and the film's director, Shawn Levy, was forced to comment.

Here's What He Said

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Levy was very adept at dodging direct questions about the future of the film, pretty much as usual. The director hinted that fans will definitely be surprised by all the cameos when the blockbuster is released, but he can't say anything specific about Taylor Swift and no one will know the truth until the film's premiere, July 26.

"What can I say? I think intrigue is fun.".

As a reminder, Swift is credited with the role of Alison Blair/Dazzler, everyone's favourite mutant pop star with the ability to bend light.

Previously, there were also rumours of Swift's possible involvement as Dazzler, but it was for 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse, but that didn't materialise at the time. And as we have learnt, we will have to wait to find out if Alison Blair will appear as Taylor Swift in 'Deadpool 3'.

Source: Comic Book