AI-powered collages are becoming more popular than traditional pins on Pinterest

Pinterest reports that their new collage feature, created using artificial intelligence and computer vision technology, is attracting three times more user engagement than regular pins (saved images).
Here's What We Know
The collages feature allows users to collect content from the web and Pinterest itself, and add their own photos to create inspiring collages on topics ranging from lifestyle to fashion trends. Most of the images in the collages can be purchased directly from the platform.
Pinterest CEO Bill Ready noted that about 70 per cent of collage creators are from Generation Z. This demographic now makes up more than 40% of the service's users.
Using artificial intelligence and computer vision, collages allow users to "cut" individual objects from images and combine them to create unique digital compositions. According to Reedy, this feature helps improve Pinterest's AI for future innovation.

In the first quarter of 2024, Pinterest saw its fastest revenue growth since 2021, earning $740 million - up 23% from a year earlier. The company attributes this success to the popularity of collages and the return of brands' advertising budgets.
Source: TechCrunch