Updated Siri will be the basis of Apple's new AI strategy

By: Nastya Bobkova | 11.05.2024, 05:54
Updated Siri will be the basis of Apple's new AI strategy

The New York Times has published a report that reveals Apple's strategy to move towards its own development of artificial intelligence technology. One of the central points of this strategy is the upgrade of Siri, which should turn it into a more modern and efficient platform.

Here's What We Know

According to the report, the decision to update Siri was made by Apple's top management early last year. Craig Federighi, Senior Vice President of Software Engineering, and John Giannandrea, Senior Vice President of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Strategy, tested OpenAI ChatGPT for several weeks to understand how competitors have improved their assistants and, as a result, Siri looks outdated.

According to the report, the team responsible for developing Siri did not receive enough attention and resources compared to other groups within Apple.

The updated version of Siri, which will be unveiled at the WWDC conference on 10 June, is expected to be more conversational and functional.

The company is working to improve its ability to set timers, create calendar appointments, add items to reminders, and summarise text.

Source: The New York Times