Bloomberg: Apple will release AirTag 2 in mid-2025

By: Myroslav Trinko | 21.05.2024, 07:25
Bloomberg: Apple will release AirTag 2 in mid-2025

On the Internet has already repeatedly appeared information that Apple is working on a new generation of AirTag. Now it became known when the release of the novelty will take place.

When We Can Expect It

According to insider and journalist Bloomberg Mark Gurman, the novelty should not wait in the near future. If everything goes according to plan, the device will be shown in the middle of 2025.

The AirTag 2 is likely to get the same look and feel. As for the characteristics, the gadget will boast an updated processor, improved autonomy, as well as a more accurate location system. How much the novelty will cost is still unknown.

Source: Bloomberg