Was Slitterhead worth the wait? The first gameplay trailer of the new game from the creator of Silent Hill and Siren raised a lot of questions and justified criticism

Many gamers have been waiting for the Summer Game Fest show to finally see the first gameplay trailer of the new Slitterhead game from the creator of the cult horror games Silent Hill and Siren, Keiichiro Toyama and his company Bokeh Game Studio.
Here's What We Know
Unfortunately, this show was one of the major failures of Summer Game Fest 2024.
The author has long stated that Slitterhead is not a classic horror game, but rather an action game with thriller elements, but what was shown doesn't seem to fall into any of the stated target audiences.
Players will be able to move from one character's body to another, taking control of them and giving them special abilities to battle creepy insect-like monsters.
The battles feel exaggeratedly awkward and boring, but Keiichiro Toyama's critters turn out to be interesting.
When We Can Expect It
Slitterhead will be released on 8 November on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.
Source: Summer Game Fest