Samsung could regain the foldable smartphone sales lead with the release of the Galaxy Fold 6 and Flip 6

By: Vlad Cherevko | 08.06.2024, 17:08
Samsung could regain the foldable smartphone sales lead with the release of the Galaxy Fold 6 and Flip 6

A record number of foldable phone model launches are expected this year. The foldable phone market share is predicted to alternate between Samsung and Huawei, who will exchange the lead in the first and second half of the year.

Here's What We Know

Samsung plans to sell 13 million foldable phones after the launch of the Galaxy Fold 6 and Flip 6 models, giving the company a 48% share of the foldable phone market. Huawei, with 28 per cent of the market and four models in the top 10, will also compete for the lead.

Honor will also introduce the two thinnest models of foldable phones, entering the top 10 and taking 10% of the market. Thus, Samsung is no longer the only player in the foldable phone market and Huawei is currently already ahead of it in sales with a 55% market share in the first half of the year. However, in the second half of the year Samsung intends to catch up with the competitor with the launch of new models and regain its leading position with 52% of panel shipments.

Graph of foldable device sales market share

Samsung is actively working on eliminating creases on its foldable phones to keep up with Chinese devices in this aspect and to meet the demands of Apple, which is demanding a virtually invisible crease for its first foldable iPhone, the form factor of which is yet to be determined.

Source: DSCC