New World Reanimation? Amazon will release a re-release of the unpopular MMORPG with the subtitle Aeternum, which will be available on consoles as well

A rumour very much like the truth: Amazon will release MMORPG New World on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. The announcement may take place at Summer Game Festthe multiplayer role-playing game New World have not only been confirmed, but also supplemented with interesting information.
Here's What We Know
At Summer Game Fest, Amazon officially confirmed the porting of New World to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.
The game will release on those platforms on 15 October with the subtitle Aeternum and will support cross-play.
Aeternum is not only a console port, but also an improved version of New World. In it, the developers will expand the story, which can be played alone, add more dialogue, introduce additional mechanics and challenges, offer a challenging raid for 10 players and provide a new zone for PvP.
New World: Aeternum pre-order is already open and one of its bonuses will be a unique riding animal.
MS gamers who have purchased New World and the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion will get the new version of the game for free.
Source: Play New World