Three years of work have not been in vain: the new Perfect Dark trailer showed that the players are waiting for a great spy action game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 10.06.2024, 14:42
Three years of work have not been in vain: the new Perfect Dark trailer showed that the players are waiting for a great spy action game

Finally, after three years of complete silence about the reboot of the Perfect Dark series, The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics studios have unveiled the first gameplay trailer of their game.

Here's What We Know

Before us is an action game in the setting of the near future with elements of Immersive sim genre.

In the world of the game there was a series of natural disasters, which was called Cascade. Mega-corporation Core Mantis took upon itself the restoration of Cairo, where the protagonist Joanna Dark will go in search of a dangerous criminal.

The developers showed that each mission in the game can be completed in different ways: kill all the enemies, come to an agreement with them, trick them, sneak through them or with the help of other actions.

The player's arsenal will include not only firearms, but also futuristic gadgets, such as a scanner and speech synthesiser. As it was said before, Perfect Dark pays much attention to realistic movements of the main character: each of her actions is perfectly animated, which creates an additional immersive effect.

When We Can Expect It

Perfect Dark's release date has again remained unnamed, so the game is unlikely to be released before 2026.

Source: Xbox