US Department of Justice accuses Adobe of unfair and deceptive subscription practices

By: Nastya Bobkova | 18.06.2024, 00:41
US Department of Justice accuses Adobe of unfair and deceptive subscription practices

The US Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Adobe, accusing the company of "luring" users into subscriptions using unfair and deceptive methods.

Here's What We Know

Thelawsuit claims that Adobe:

  • Automatically enrolls users in the most expensive subscription plan without clearly explaining the terms.
  • Fails to inform subscribers of significant early termination fees that can amount to hundreds of dollars.
  • Uses a confusing cancellation process to make it difficult for users to leave their subscriptions.
  • As a result of these actions, according to the Department of Justice, Adobe violated federal laws aimed at protecting consumers.

This is not Adobe's first problem in recent times. The company also recently sparked outrage by changing its terms and conditions, which seemingly claimed that all user work belonged to it.

Source: 9to5Mac