Developers at Square Enix are confident that the final Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy will outshine the original game, answer all questions and impress gamers

February 2024 saw the release of the Critics are excited about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and give the game top marks, the second of three planned instalments of the remake of the iconic JRPG (1997). Although the final instalment will be released at least a few years later, the developers at Square Enix aren't stingy with loud promises.
Here's What We Know
One of the leading game designers Motomu Toriyama said that the final trilogy of Final Fantasy VII remakes will be much bigger, more informative and interesting than the end of the original game.
The developers are going to give answers to all the players' questions, draw a line under every storyline of Final Fantasy VII and hint at the future of all the characters in the game.
In the original Final Fantasy VII, the final scene lasted 10 minutes, which was a huge achievement for 1997. Obviously, if the developers really intend to make the final scene more colourful, its duration will increase significantly. Motomu Toriyama is confident that the completion of the last part of the remake will outshine the original game and impress FF fans.
Perhaps the final part of the Final Fantasy VII remake will be released in 2027 to coincide with the original game's thirtieth anniversary.
Source: PSU