The US Army will introduce brain training for its soldiers to improve their performance in combat

The US Army may soon require its soldiers to undergo brain endurance training to improve performance in pressure combat situations.
Here's What We Know
A six-week brain training experiment that put a group of soldiers through mentally demanding tasks found that it actually improved their mental and physical resilience.
The troops who were given memory-intensive tasks demonstrated twice the endurance and performance of those who were assigned very easy brain tasks. The positive result has prompted researchers from the Army Medical Research and Development Command to consider applying the approach on a broader basis and at higher intensity intervals.
"We're excited about where this research is going to take us, but the challenge is to create something that is truly innovative and impactful on the brain health and performance of soldiers," said Army researcher Brad Fauver.
During the experiment, soldiers performed routine brain exercises such as recalling certain sequences before, during and after strenuous activity. In the end, it turned out that some physically fit soldiers were able to run for up to 15 minutes longer.
It is expected that after the introduction of the brain endurance exercise, the troops will be able to perform better under stress or fatigue, and will also be in better physical condition.
Source: AUSA