Instagram now allows you to live stream only with close friends and add music to your carousel video

By: Nastya Bobkova | 21.06.2024, 01:02
Instagram now allows you to live stream only with close friends and add music to your carousel video

The Instagram update allows you to restrict Instagram Live broadcasts to close friends and followers.

Here's What We Know

The new feature will allow users to broadcast videos only to a selected list of friends, which allows them to keep private moments within their inner circle. Up to three people can join the broadcast at the same time.

This can help users plan trips, collaborate on homework, or simply catch up.

Also, starting in November, account holders will be able to add music to carousel posts that contain video. This allows for more dynamic carousels.

Regarding Notes, Instagram has highlighted several new aspects of this feature that it has introduced in recent months. You can now post a video as a note that temporarily replaces your profile photo.

When you wish a friend a happy birthday with an @mention and use the words "happy birthday" in your message, Instagram shows an Easter egg - a confetti animation. It's an extra effect that adds a festive mood to your greeting note.

Source: Engadget