It's official: the long-awaited Gothic remake will headline THQ Nordic Showcase 2024. The show may reveal the release date of the updated game

THQ Nordic has big plans for August: in addition to appearing at the largest European exhibition gamescom 2024, where it plans to make two high-profile announcements, the publisher will hold its own show.

Here's What We Know
As previously announced, THQ Nordic Showcase 2024 will take place on the 2nd of August. On it the audience is expected to see Titan Quest II, Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed and a number of other novelties. However, the main star of the show will be the long-awaited remake of the cult RPG Gothic.
The company did not reveal what exactly will be presented to the audience, but if this game is so emphasised - we should expect an extensive gameplay demonstration with a story about the remake's features. Perhaps the release date of Gothic Remake will be announced as well.
THQ Nordic Digital Showcase broadcast will take place on the 2nd of August at 21:00 CEST and will be available for viewing on YouTube, Twitch and Steam.
As a reminder, gamescom 2024 attendees will be able to check out the Gothic Remake demo in person.
Source: THQ Nordic