The developers of The First Descendant have acknowledged the similarity of a number of elements of their game to Destiny 2 and promised to fix all plagiarism

The First Descendant, a free-to-play shooter from the South Korean company Nexon, was released this week.
Both gamers and media immediately All coincidences are not accidental: gamers have accused the developers of The First Descendant of plagiarising Destiny 2 and other popular shooters some elements of the game with many competitors of this genre, first of all with Destiny 2 and Warframe.
The First Descendant's in-game icons, which only slightly differ from Destiny 2 icons, were cited as an example of plagiarism.

Finally, Nexon broke the silence and commented on the accusations of copying other people's ideas.
Here's What We Know
The developers admitted that many elements of their shooter do resemble components of other games. Nexon promises to modify The First Descendant's assets and images in the near future to remove excessive similarities to Destiny 2.
We have taken the concerns raised seriously and have decided to make adjustments to ensure that images that may appear similar clearly reflect the unique personality of our game. We will continue to improve The First Descendant for fans of looter shooters.

Nexon's game designers emphasised that they have respect and admiration for Bungie's game and used it as one of their main sources of inspiration. Apparently, the Korean game designers went overboard in imitating Destiny 2.
Source: X