Platform X creates a "Don't Like" button to reduce the number of votes in replies

By: Vlad Cherevko | 12.07.2024, 15:50
Platform X creates a "Don't Like" button to reduce the number of votes in replies

Company X, formerly known as Twitter, is developing a new feature to improve the rating of replies. The new feature, which resembles a "dislike" button, will be used to vote against replies.

Here's What We Know

Links to the code for the feature have already been discovered in X's iOS app, and images of a broken heart-shaped button next to the "like" button have appeared. Earlier in 2021, then Twitter was testing pros and cons buttons for all posts, but now X is considering using cons votes for replies only. This would help highlight the best replies and move less popular ones down the chain.

Recently, whistleblower @aaronp613 discovered additional image files and links to the dislikes feature in the X app for iOS. Other users have also spotted the dislike button in action, indicating a possible public test.

Under Musk's leadership, the X also hides likes from public view, allowing users to put likes on more "edgy" content without fearing for their reputation.

Source: TechCrunch, @aaronp613