It's not just Doom: The Dark Ages - it looks like id Software Studios is preparing several new games at once

By: Anton Kratiuk | 14.07.2024, 14:23
It's not just Doom: The Dark Ages - it looks like id Software Studios is preparing several new games at once

In June, the famous American studio id Software announced Doom: The Dark Ages - a shooter, which will be a prequel to the last two parts of the legendary franchise.

Millions of gamers are eagerly waiting for the new adventures of Doom Slayer, but it seems that id Software's game designers are preparing some more novelties.

Here's What We Know

Megumi McGowan recently took over the position of producer at Bethesda Softworks, the publishing division of id Software. Her LinkedIn profile states that she is responsible for the release of OVERALL projects produced by id Software.

It's not just Doom: The Dark Ages - it looks like id Software Studios is preparing several new games at once-2

Of course, Megumi McGowan didn't give any additional information about what kind of games they are, but there are regularly the boldest rumours about a Quake sequel on the web. And maybe the public will see the third part of RAGE: the second game was released in 2019, and although it did not become a sales hit, but no one considers it a failure either.

Recall, the release of Doom: The Dark Ages is expected in 2025 and most likely before the release of this game developers will not announce their next projects, but if id Software is really working on several titles at once - it can not but please fans of brutal shooters.

Source: Twisted Voxel