Radar images have revealed that there is a tunnel on the moon

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 13:12
Radar images have revealed that there is a tunnel on the moon

Researchers have discovered a tunnel on the moon using radar images of the surface, which could be a place for a future human presence.

Here's What We Know

The tunnel is located in the Sea of Tranquility crater, the deepest known crater on the Moon, which was formed by the collapse of a lava tube or void structure created by tectonic processes. Scientists studied radar images taken by the Mini-RF instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter from 2009 to 2011. By running 3D simulations of possible geometries of the crater and its tunnel, they determined that the brightness in the radar images could be caused by subsurface structures.

The tunnel is between 30 and 80 metres long and about 45 metres wide, possibly flat or sloping with a maximum gradient of 45 degrees. Direct future exploration of these lunar caves could confirm the presence of stable subsurface conditions, shielded from radiation and with optimal temperatures for future human use.

Source: Gizmodo